Holyangelsisc School Thiruvananthapuram


0471 231 2662




Watts Lane, Nanthancode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala- 695003.


Manager's Message :
"The whole worth of a kind deed lies in the love that inspires it". (The Talmud)
I am very glad to write these few lines, with pride and joy. I extend my warm greetings to the students.
The happiest and most successful students are those with good motivation and a sense of pride in doing things well rather than merely competitive. Students, along with their academic excellence should march ahead with moral values and principles. I do wish that our students grow up to be citizens who can positively influence the others to the right path of justice.
Remember, if you allow yourself to enjoy small victories along your journey, reaching your goals can feel more achievable. and you are more likely to stay on track. Each step you take can teach you lessons that you can apply to future goals and challenges.

Principal's Message :
God has blessed us in so many ways and all of us experience miracles in some form or the other. Let us live each moment of life with gratitude for all the blessings. Then we will discover that we are blessed even more. Life is shaped experience by experience. The quality of experiences are shaped by ones attitudes. The virtual world is a classic case of ‘all that glitters is not gold’. How can one draw a line between needs and greedy desires? How can one believe that a life beyond the virtual world is ever possible? These are a few questions that the younger generations need answers for: hence the parents have the responsibility to show the youngsters that life did exist prior to this virtual world. Youngsters on the other hand, need to make use of the earlier generations as a bridge to travel from the virtual world to experience the real world. Life is beautiful. Live life to the fullest to enjoy its bountiful blessings.




This years school topper will be announced soon



Don't hesitate to contact us

Phone: 0471 231 2662
Email: holyangelsisc@yahoo.co.in